Remote control for your 3D printer

Octoprint, Odroid-C1 and a Prusa I3 B Pro from Geeetech are perfect teamplayers to build an open source hard- and software solution for realizing a remote controllable 3D printer.Octoprint is a server which offers you a webinterface for not only providing a video live view of your printing process but it lets you upload gcode„Remote control for your 3D printer“ weiterlesen

ODROID-C2 – first 4k test with real hardware TV

Hi, today some nice guys from a nearby electronic hardware store gave me permission to test the ODROID-C2 with some 4k capable TV-Screens from Samsung and LG. Special thanks to the guys from MediaMarkt in Düsseldorf for their uncomplicated support and the trust in the curious little machine 😉 Please excuse the „suround sounds“. As„ODROID-C2 – first 4k test with real hardware TV“ weiterlesen

Odroid-C2 with realtime MIDI-Support

These are my first tests trying to get MIDI working on the brand new Odroid-C2 64-bit Ubuntu stock image from Hardkernel Dieses Video wurde ohne mein Einverständnis auf die Video-Plattform „Youtube“ hochgeladen. Auch Bilder von dieser Website wurden ohne mein Einverständnis in einem externen französischen Blog verwendet. Ich distanziere mich hiermit ausdrücklich von allen dort„Odroid-C2 with realtime MIDI-Support“ weiterlesen