Sounds erzeugen mit geprinteter leitfähiger Folie von PolyIC

Hallo, hier schauen wir uns mal an, wie man aus extrem kostengünstiger, weil gedruckter, leitfähiger und transparenter Folie ein 15-Tasten Keyboard bauen kann. Die Folie wurde mir freundlicherweise von der Firma PolyIC aus Fürth, Deutschland in Form eines Musterbeispiels zur Verfügung gestellt. Der sehr gute Support dieser Firma ist ebenso beeindruckend wie das Produkt selber.„Sounds erzeugen mit geprinteter leitfähiger Folie von PolyIC“ weiterlesen

Laser illumination for the graped piano

The graped piano was successful on the Maker Faire Berlin 2015 Children and grown up visitors asked me if it wouldn’t be nice to put some LED’s to the piano. If you touch a grape a LED should light up. This is a lot of additional hardware for 48 grapes and so I decided take„Laser illumination for the graped piano“ weiterlesen

Control 3D visuals touchless with Arduino

Inspired by an earlier work published on makezine ( I have build another 3d controller interface with an Arduino Uno  and the bleeding edge version of processing (, a visualization software for your hardware projects. Download and install processing as described on Build 3 sensors from old CD covers, aluminum foil and three wires„Control 3D visuals touchless with Arduino“ weiterlesen

Hi-Fi graped piano with Odroid-C1+

Working on the new Odroid-C1+ becomes more and more interesting. Having compiled the realtime kernel sources successfully on the C1+ I got the graped midi piano running together with the HiFi-Shield from You can plug the shield into your HiFi station at home or plug in your favorite headphones. Here I just use it„Hi-Fi graped piano with Odroid-C1+“ weiterlesen

Realtime preemptive kernel sources 3.10.80-rt88 for Odroid-C1+ on github

My github account does not exist anymore since 5th of July 2018 because  Microsoft has swallowed it. Since yesterday the 3.10.80-rt88 kernel sources for the Odroid-C1/C1+ are available from my new github account To compile the sources read Some things change if you use my sources. Be sure to have the odroidc-3.10.80-rt88 branch„Realtime preemptive kernel sources 3.10.80-rt88 for Odroid-C1+ on github“ weiterlesen