Hi, my little weather station has made it to IOT. Features: Transmitter: Odroid-C1+ with L(inux)A(pache)M(ySQL)P(HP) Arduino Mini Pro as transmitter with RF 433Mhz transmitter module and 6 Neopixel LEDS from an ink1003 LED strip and a BME280 temperature/humidity/pressure sensor from Bosch The Apache webserver has a little PHP-script running that grabs the data over usb„Weather station goes IOT“ weiterlesen
Kategorie-Archive: Microcontroller
Addendum to CodemotionWorld Berlin 2015
CodemotionWorld 2015 in Berlin is over. Well, for me personally it was a new experience to meet people like Stefan Hermann (MidiBricks), one of the Zoobotics guys and a lot of other people. I took the chance and participated a workshop on Monday about supercolider which is a very, very awsome software project for musicians„Addendum to CodemotionWorld Berlin 2015“ weiterlesen
Weatherstation with radio transmission on Odroid-C1+
Hi, We present a little radio weatherstation that shows the temperature on a Touchdisplay on top of a Odroid-C1+. UPDATE: Weather station goes IOT A transmitter module is used to send a customized string and a long value (the actual temperature) measured by a BME280 sensor from Bosch. It is connected to an Arduino Mini„Weatherstation with radio transmission on Odroid-C1+“ weiterlesen
Mini-Synthesizer im Taschenformat
This is a WiFi Mini-Synth with small form factor Features: MIDI/OSC compatible HiFi quality stereo sound Battery driven (5V) Complete linux operating system (Ubuntu 14.04) Sound Generator (ZynaddSubFX) Transparent conductive touch sensitive foil as HID High configurable and updateable Low latency (RT-preemptive kernel)
TouchTube ist eine durchsichtige Plexiglasröhre mit folgender Hardware und Features: Arduino Leonardo Clone -> Technische Details • Berührungs- und Entfernungsmessung• Vorprogrammiert als MP3 player (hier: Hardware modifiziert und als eigenständiger Midi-Player verwendet)• Leicht als Midi-Instrument oder -Steuerung umprogrammierbar• HumanInterfaceDevice(HID) Kann als Maus oder Tastatur verwendet werden.• Arduino kompatibel und programmierbar über die Arduino IDE• Arduino„TouchTube“ weiterlesen
Graped piano meets MakerSpace of codemotionworld
Hi, The „graped piano“ is shown on the CodemotionWorld 2015 in Berlin from 2.-3. November (MakerSpace). http://berlin2015.codemotionworld.com/program/makerspace/