Pimp my prusa – part2

Today  two more upgrades for my good Prusa I3 B. No 1: Infrared filament monitor. Detect filament blocking with routines to stop/pause 3D printer and let the user interact to solve the problem. This is an alpha development thing connected to an Arduino mini pro. It detects the movements of the little wheel and can„Pimp my prusa – part2“ weiterlesen

More MPCNC upgrade – new z-rod

After I saw that user „James VanDusen“ posted about „8mm m8 threaded rod“ in the MPCNC forum https://www.vicious1.com/forum/ I decided to do all these steps to try it out. So this morning I dissassembled everything around the rod, printed out the new part F-XYZ_T8.stl from  https://www.vicious1.com. In my case (25 mm IE version) you can„More MPCNC upgrade – new z-rod“ weiterlesen

Birth of a robot – INMOOV is growing here …

Some weeks ago we started to enter a new project that is REALLY boooombastic and makes a lot of fun: INMOOV a french open source robotic project by Gaël LANGEVIN, sculptor and designer. This robot is 3D printable. A first test is done today. Mechanics and pressure sensitive fingertips are working fine.