Jetson Nano, InMoov and playing with motors

Today you can see some of my recent experiments with motors running on the Jetson Nano , an old but dirty cheap grbl board and other fun stuff.

Jetson Nano connected to the InMoov robot arm through a PCA9685 servo motor driver

All projects you can see in this video are low powered and battery driven. The examples are kept simple to

  1. Jetson Nano connected to the InMoov robot arm through a PCA9685 servo motor driver.
  2. Stepper driver motors connected to a grbl board. Can be controlled via bluetooth, usb cable or telnet
  3. Stepper driver motors connected to three external stepper motor driver boards controlled via touch screen connected to an esp32

For the first example I wrote a quick and simple python script moving the robots thumb and fingers

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