Die Entwicklung des „Drachen“ 3D-Druckers schreitet voran. Schließlich ist ja bald Weihnachten. Und da soll er schon produktiv drucken können. Doch bis dahin gibt es noch ein paar Dinge zu tun. Eines davon ist die Entwicklung eines Teleskopantriebes für das Hotend. Hier sieht man den ersten Prototypen im Betrieb: Wozu nun ein solcher Antrieb? Die„Teleskopantrieb für 3D-Drucker Hotend“ weiterlesen
Kategorie-Archive: 3d print
Thingiverse preview and download of the modular slider module of „The Dragon“ 3d printer
Today I opened my first thingiverse account. Makerbot tells me that new users have to wait 24 hours until they can publish their files. So this a preview and the download from my website. The slider modulecan be downloaded here Square_tube_slider
3D printed geared Timelapse Rail with IGUS parts driven by ESP32 async webserver interface
As the title already says. This is about a motorized timelapse or video rail with the following features: Electronic Parts: ESP32 powered over USB (5V) DRV8825 steppermotor driver (12V) TMC2100 steppermotor driver (12 V) Mechanical Parts: IGUS Rail and Carrier 3D printed gears and rail Nema17 5:1 geared stepper motor Software: Arduino Multitasking DRV8825 and„3D printed geared Timelapse Rail with IGUS parts driven by ESP32 async webserver interface“ weiterlesen
Old Prusa printing new humanoid InMoov
With some further updates the print quality on the Prusa I3 B pro is now acceptable. Updates in detail ESP3D for WiFi printing on an ESP8266 (in AP mode) Improved SaintFlint extruder (stabilized) J-Head v6 Some Neopixel for showing the printer status and some more light Filament runout sensor for more security (not shown in„Old Prusa printing new humanoid InMoov“ weiterlesen
Herringbone planetary gears for nema 17 steppers
Today the first prototype of a planetary herringbone gear for nema 17 stepper motors has become ready. It is fully printable . With this little adapter you can raise the power of your nema 17 steppers a lot – it has now 5 x more torque.
Pimp my prusa – part2
Today two more upgrades for my good Prusa I3 B. No 1: Infrared filament monitor. Detect filament blocking with routines to stop/pause 3D printer and let the user interact to solve the problem. This is an alpha development thing connected to an Arduino mini pro. It detects the movements of the little wheel and can„Pimp my prusa – part2“ weiterlesen