Augmented RPI Pico

A little demo showing the real world Raspberry Pi Pico augmented with it’s own pinout. It would have been a nice little thing to play with, if not this UGLY THING would have happened or for the german users My reaction on this is that


Intel brought us a new open source project on github (openbot) that turns your smartphone into an AI device for creating a cockpit for an autonomous vehicle. It uses the camera of your smartphone for people detection. The base for the android app is one of the tensorflow examples you can find here: The„Openbot“ weiterlesen

3D reconstruction with Open3D on a Jetson Nano

Example for 3D reconstruction with Open3D on a Nvidia Jetson Nano with Cuda 10.2 and librealsense support. Camera is a Intel Realsense D435i. There have only about 300 images been captured. So the reconstructed scene suffers from a really poor quality. During the next days I am going to fine tune things and improve the„3D reconstruction with Open3D on a Jetson Nano“ weiterlesen

KaRadio 32 auf einem ESP32 wroom module

Seit einigen Jahren gibt es bereits das geniale Projekt Ka-Radio ( ). Damit kann man ein ESP32 in ein echtes Webradio mit allem Komfort, den man braucht, verwandeln. Heute habe ich mir auch mal so ein Radio aus einem ESP32 wroom Modul gebaut. Es hat nur eine Minimalausstattung mit Klick-Encoder und einem OLED-Minidisplay.