Birth of a robot – INMOOV is growing here …

Some weeks ago we started to enter a new project that is REALLY boooombastic and makes a lot of fun:

INMOOV a french open source robotic project by Gaël LANGEVIN, sculptor and designer. This robot is 3D printable.

InMoov ’s right arm and hand.

A first test is done today. Mechanics and pressure sensitive fingertips are working fine.

InMoov Bicep Parts
InMoov Bicep Parts
InMoov printing shoulder parts
InMoov printing shoulder parts.
InMoov torso printed on my self build Mostly Printed CNC
InMoov torso printed on my self build Mostly Printed CNC.
InMoov chest on my self build Prusa I3 from China
InMoov chest on my self build Prusa I3 from China.

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