IOT enabled 3D printer extruder

Today I’ll show you a first idea for an IOT enabled 3D printer extruder. The base is a NodeMCU v1.0 running a very basic webserver script. This is a very cheap IOT device based on a ESP8266 that is very easy to program with a recent Arduino IDE.It is connected to a A4988 stepper motor„IOT enabled 3D printer extruder“ weiterlesen

3D printer hardware updates

The most recent updates for my MPCNC used as 3D printer: Triple filament hotend or „diamond hotend“, which is a compact multicolor hotend that enables the printer to print 3 different colors/filaments at the same time through one noozle. The most recent updates for my Prusa I3C pro: Filament holder for 2 spools and a„3D printer hardware updates“ weiterlesen

State of MPCNC 3D printer

Some days ago my new metal extruders and a dual extruder arrived. So the old extruder had to be disassembled from my Prusa I3B pro  to add it for some tests to my new MPCNC machine. The dual extruder replaced the single one and magically the Prusa I3B pro became a Prusa I3C Pro. First„State of MPCNC 3D printer“ weiterlesen