Odroid-C1 and Canon EOS DSLR camera


today I’ll show you how to easily remote control your Canon DSLR camera with an Odroid-C1 wirelessly.

You can use QdslrDashboard for graphical preview, e.g. set the focus on a bigger display  than the small camera displays. For timelapses and focus stacking you can use gphoto2 which is easy to use and supports more than 1800 cameras.

The advantage of this approach is that you can choose a wifi connection of your choise. Maybe this works even better with a 5GHz wifi connection which could be achieved with this stick ->

http://www.hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php?g_code=G141630348024 The faster the wifi connection is the faster the live preview and all other features should work.

So if you try it outside you should use an AP that is able to run at 5GHz, too, e.g. http://www.tp-link.com/at/products/details/?categoryid=218&model=M7350

The setup with these two devices is NOT tested and there is no guarantee that things would work faster.

Steps to get it running:

1. Download the software from http://dslrdashboard.info/downloads/ on your computer and install it.

2. Download the dd server software from https://github.com/hubaiz/DslrDashboardServer and install it on the odroid.

3. Connect the odroid to your wireless access point (at home, or if you have a mobile AP like this  anywhere outside). You can also buy a cheaper one like I did and replace the original firmware with the dd server software from http://dslrdashboard.info/downloads/

4. Start the qDslrDashboard software on your computer (here it is a ubuntu linux 14.04) or on your tablet.

5. Connect to the dd server on the odroid via network connection button in the qDslrDashboard software as described here -> http://dslrdashboard.info/connection-screen-buttons/.

Here you can see the result: Camera with live preview and other features

Some of the qDslrDashboard features:

  • change camera settings/properties
  • initiate capture
  • display live view (on DSLR cameras that support it)
  • start/stop movie recording (on DSLR cameras that support it)
  • BULB capture (on DSLR cameras that support it)
  • image browser for local images and images located on camera SD card
  • custom bracketing
  • image stacking
  • LrTimelapse screen for helping time-lapse shooting
  • capture history

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