today I succesfully compiled the kernel from https://github.com/hardkernel/linux/tree/odroidc-3.10.y patched with the 3.10.75-rt80 patch from here -> https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/rt/3.10/
Needs to be tested but it boots and seems to be running quite o.k. 🙂
You can download the sources for the patched kernel here : linux-src-3.10.75-rt80.zip and compile it as described here: http://odroid.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:c1_building_kernel.
check with
1 |
$ md5sum linux-src-3.10.75-rt80.zip |
It should result in
1 |
$ 1a1cf25478f88c937bdfcf6aa5c84176 linux-src-3.10.75-rt80.zip |
or this one : linux-src-3.10.75-rt80.tar.xz with md5sum 1b0acd9bf3c74e742b615771b64492b2
You have to take another config file: Instead of
1 |
$ make odroidc_defconfig |
you should use
1 |
$ make odroidc_rt_defconfig |
The procedure is decribed here in detail -> http://odroid.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:c1_building_kernel Please refer to the Hardkernel explanations to compile your custom kernel. Their wiki is THE place to search for these informations.
This article which I’m looking for. instead of xenomai RTOS.
what are next step after make odroidc_rt_defconfig.
could you send me an information what you did. for full steps.
ez. what is your linux version, compile tools , and so on.
best regards.