Ardour 4.0 arrived on my desktop today


Paul Davis, the man who is the maintaner of the Ardour digital audio workstation (daw) software, posted on his website the new version 4.0 of this tremendous software. So I pulled the git sources, installed all the dependencies as described here in detail and compiled it succesfully.

Then I opended an older (3.x) ardour project. Ardour asks, if it should open and copy the project files. I sayed „yes“ and voila! –everythings runs smooth without any problems. It was a recently made project to synchronize sound and video with xjadeo, which has been integrated in ardour3 already.

It is easy to remote control ardour with your smartphone with  a tiny little app which you can get and download from

The first look into ardour4 is very positive. Everything runs smooth and clean as it should. So, now the time has come to develop my own songs with ardour4 and my new waveboard.

But maybe the best news on ardour4 for most desktop users is that it is for the first time running on Windows – which me personally makes a little bit sad.

To see what’s new in ardour4 read

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